"I will sing of Your mercies that lead me through Valleys of Sorrow to Rivers of Joy."
~Jars of Clay

My precious and magnificent blessings...

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Today is the day...

Today is the day...

August 14th, 2007 - the one year anniversary of baby Faith's death. Actually, the one year anniversary of the day she went Home to be with the Father.

So far, so good... I am not too weepy. Yet.

I read in a book the other day that the build up to a day like this is the most horrible part. You dread it... loathe it, even. But that once there, it is fairly anti-climatic. I hope that is the case.

She would have been about 5 months old... I wonder if she would have been the red-head I thought I would have had. She probably would be learning to sit up right about now, but I have a feeling that I know what she is doing. Rocking in the arms of Jesus... He does have a rocking chair, you know. There is no better place for her to be. In the midst of sadness, I have to rejoice in that one very precious thing.

I refuse to completely mourn today. I may have tears and that is okay, but I will choose to celebrate instead. I did have her for a brief time when we are promised no time at all. That was a gift. Her soul was purposed, she meant something to us, she was here, but now gone... only to be held now by her Creator. I am sad that my arms never got to hold her or rock her to sleep while singing Jesus Loves Me, but I take solace in knowing that there are no better arms for her to be in - not even mine. She knows first hand that Jesus loves her. How sweet and precious that thought is to me.

I Love you, Faith... and we won't forget.
From Mommy


Melissa said...

Remembering your sweet baby with you tonight.

Angie said...

I long for the day when we get to see all the wonderful reunions in Heaven. What a day that will be!