"I will sing of Your mercies that lead me through Valleys of Sorrow to Rivers of Joy."
~Jars of Clay

My precious and magnificent blessings...

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Before I continue with our story, just a few facts...

Number of years we have suffered with infertility in one way or another - 10
Number of living children - 2
Number of children in Heaven - 3
Number of failed IVF attempts - 1
Number of IUI attempts - 6
Number of cycles with a positive test - 3
Number of cycels with a false positive test - 1
Number of cycles with a negative test - 106

Number of miscarriages - 1
Number of C-sections - 1
Number of reproductive surgeries - 4
Number of ovaries and tubes left - 1
Number of enraged fits, shaking my fist at God and actually telling Him how I really felt about it all - 5
Number of times I thought I was going to scream because someone else was pregnant - at least 100
Number of times I prayed for a baby - too many to count
Numer of time I have prayed for His will - too many to count
Number of times I have "completely surrendered" this all to God, just to take it back from Him - 10

Number of times I want to take it back again - 0

Here's to moving on... one day at a time.

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